Files ===== Each file in the system must have an associated row in `toc`. To add a new file, first create a row in `toc`: `toc` toc_id Primary key. Auto-increments. menu_id 500 reference_id 805 title Title of the menu item, "Q-Link Sample Item" The file data itself is stored in the `files` table. The `files`.`reference_id` is a foreign key to `toc`.reference_id. `files` file_id Primary key. Auto-increments. reference_id Foreign key to the `reference_id` column in the `toc` table, or 805 from the example in `toc` above. name Filename. Should be Commodore 16-character compatible(?). filetype Commodore filetype. Presumably PRG, SEQ(?) description Description fo the file data Binary file contents