SUBJ: Au revoir Q... FROM: Argo2 10/30/94 S#: 81634 It has been a lot of fun on Q-link. I have only been on Q since September, 1992 but I have experienced both the highs and lows on this system. Until the early part of 1993, Q-link was a very credible network as the boards were kept up to date and the whole world only seemed at our fingertips. However, since about April of 1993 things have really deteriorated on here as the people who have run Q have done their best to undermine the network, thus forcing subscribers off and justifying the shutting down of this fine network. But in the last couple of days of Q-link, let's not dwell on that negative stuff. I have many great Q-friends and Q-memories and although the heads of Q may be able to shut Q-link itself down, they can never take away our friendships and memories. I want to thank all of my fellow Q-link subscribers for making this a fun, rewarding and very enjoyable experience for me! I encourage you all to give BingoJerry your addresses so that he can put you on his Q-newsletter mailing list so that we can all keep in touch. I also encourage you all to keep in touch with me on both GENIE and Delphi. I go under the screen name of Argo1 on both networks so you will have no trouble finding me. It has been a lot of fun folks and I once again thank you all very much!! You will all hold a special place in my heart! P.S. Let's not go out of Q-link with a whimper but with a BANG!!! -::- SUBJ: A Death in the family... (R2) FROM: CHESTER E 10/05/94 S#: 72628 I might as well kick off the many farwell messages that will appear on this post. I have had a lot of good times and laughs here on Q and have had the privilege of meeting more than a few good and wonderful people here. I will miss you one and all, as well as this platform on which we could get to know each other better. Of course we had our differances of opinion, and the debates sometimes got heated if not downright dirty, but someone always made a clever wisecrack that cooled things down some. I can't think of someone that didn't come away learning something of value here, at the very least a person's typing improved (if not their spelling ;D). Losing Q is a blow much like a death in the family, we have lost a friend that we loved to talk to. We will find something else to replace it but it won't be Q, what a shame. I hope to see you somewhere, my friends, I'm on Compuserve, GEnie, & Phoenix, and maybe Delphi soon. If you need to talk to an old Q crony My address on Compuserve is 72672,3312, my "Handle" on GEnie is C.EMERSON, & on Phoenix CHESTER E. Hope to see you elsewhere, sometime soon. In the meantime I'll be here til Nov. 1st. Thankyou all for the fun & laughs, if I don't see you in cyberspace again you'll be missed. Farwell Q, Good bye all. -::- SUBJ: Well said Chester... (R) FROM: Argo2 10/10/94 S#: 74019 I don't think that I could have said it better myself Chester. Losing Q-link leaves me with a very empty feeling. I am also on GENIE and may look at some of the other networks also so I hope to continue to see my Q-friends and look forward to chatting with you, Chester, on GENIE. In the meantime, we still have another 3 weeks on Q-link, so let's go out with a bang and raise all kinds of hell!!!!! -::- SUBJ: ... FROM: Toadsucker 10/10/94 S#: 74427 I'll really miss Q. At least the way it was 3 or 4 years ago. It was a great way for me to vent my feelings, as I rarely discuss political events otherwise. But my modeming days are over as I have no interest in the other networks. My vow to my wife is that I will take the money I save and we will spend one weekend a month on the coast. I'll be around for the next 3 weeks though. -::- SUBJ: Californians... (R6) FROM: Toadsucker 09/25/94 S#: 403676 With the end in sight for Q, I just want to get in one final opinion with the election coming up. GET RID OF THAT JERK WILSON!! I don't care if you vote for Crusty The Clown, just get rid of Wilson before he does any more damage. -::- SUBJ: : (R) FROM: GH Wells 09/26/94 S#: 403728 I wish he hadn't won the primary but he's still better than any Democrat. -::- SUBJ: ... (R) FROM: Toadsucker 09/26/94 S#: 403818 At this point there is no-one running for anything whom I would walk across the street to vote for. Sad. -::- SUBJ: Whoda thunk it? (R2) FROM: Ambassador 08/26/94 S#: 402746 For the last few months I have been signing on half expecting to get some kind of "unknown host" message, indicating that Q was no more. In a sudden inexplicable fit of ethics, ole Steve actually came out of his bunker and announced the death of Q in advance. Whoda thunk it? -::- SUBJ: I'm with you... (R) FROM: Bluu Eyes 08/31/94 S#: 463323 I expected every day to sign on and see some message saying QLink is closed. Like someone posted earlier... it probably took ole SC a year to figure out how up upload a post :> -::- SUBJ: LOL!! FROM: Leopardess 09/13/94 S#: 465617 They really pissed me off! I have a "Lifetime Membership" on Q-Link...they didn't tell me it would be the lifetime of the average hamster!!! I got the letter from Steve saying I could transfer my lifetime membership to AOL, except they don't support Amiga or C64, and there's no way I'm gonna buy an I-puke-B-gag-M! So I wrote back and told them I've been cheated and to stuff it, etc....and you know what response I got? THEY SENT ME AN AOL SIGN-UP KIT FOR WINDOWS!!!!! DUH!!!! I'm pissed. (Can you tell?) -::- SUBJ: Long live the Commodore-64.(R1) FROM: Argo2 08/19/94 S#: 401371 and Steve Case and his AOL buddies can kiss the butts of all of us faithful Q-linkers!!! -::- SUBJ: --- FROM: POPstar 08/30/94 S#: 463012 WELL SAID!!