import; import; import java.util.HashMap; /* Copyright Jim Brain and Brain Innovations, 2005. This file is part of QLinkServer. QLinkServer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QLinkServer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QLinkServer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA @author Jim Brain Created on Oct 26, 2005 */ class Seat { private int _iSeat; private String _sName; private Room _room; public Seat(int seat, String name, Room room) { _iSeat=seat; _sName=name; _room=room; } /** * @return */ public int getSeat() { return _iSeat; } /** * @return */ public Room getRoom() { return _room; } } class Room { private boolean _bPublic; private String _sName; /** * @param public1 */ public Room(boolean public1,String name) { _bPublic=public1; _sName=name; } /** * @return */ public boolean isPublicRoom() { return _bPublic; } /** * @return */ public String getName() { return _sName; } } public class ReadLog { private static HashMap _hex=new HashMap(); private static HashMap _hmRooms=new HashMap(); private static HashMap _hmUsers=new HashMap(); private static boolean bPrint=true; static { _hex.put("01","0"); _hex.put("02","1"); _hex.put("03","2"); _hex.put("04","3"); _hex.put("05","4"); _hex.put("06","5"); _hex.put("07","6"); _hex.put("08","7"); _hex.put("09","8"); _hex.put("0A","9"); _hex.put("0B","10"); _hex.put("0C","11"); _hex.put("0E","12"); _hex.put("0F","13"); _hex.put("10","14"); _hex.put("11","15"); _hex.put("12","16"); _hex.put("13","17"); _hex.put("14","18"); _hex.put("15","19"); _hex.put("16","20"); _hex.put("17","21"); _hex.put("18","22"); _hex.put("19","23"); _hex.put("1A","24"); _hex.put("1B","25"); _hex.put("1C","26"); _hex.put("1D","27"); _hex.put("1E","28"); _hex.put("1F","29"); } public static void read(String file) throws Exception { BufferedReader b=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; String date; String name=null; String handle=null; Boolean bool; String text; int seat; boolean bPublic=false; boolean bJoining=false; Room room; String handle1 = null; String name1 = null; boolean bPublic1 = false; boolean bValid; while((line=b.readLine())!=null) { if(line.length()>19) { bValid=true; date=line.substring(0,19); Seat user; if(line.indexOf("RoomDelegate - Creating")>-1) { if(line.indexOf("public room")>-1) { bPublic=true; } else if(line.indexOf("private room")>-1) { bPublic=false; } name=line.substring(line.indexOf("room: ")+ 6); room=new Room(bPublic,name); _hmRooms.put(name,room); sql(true, name,bPublic,-1,"","CREATE","",date); } else if(line.indexOf("RoomDelegate - Adding ")>-1) { handle1=line.substring(line.indexOf('\'')+1,line.lastIndexOf('\'')); name1=line.substring(line.indexOf("room: ")+6); room=(Room)_hmRooms.get(name1); bPublic1=room.isPublicRoom(); bJoining=true; } else if(bJoining && line.indexOf(" enters room in seat ")>-1) { seat=Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.indexOf("seat ")+5)); room=(Room)_hmRooms.get(name1); addUser(room,name1,bPublic1,seat,handle1,date); bJoining=false; } else if(bJoining && line.indexOf("Sending packet data: 5A ")>1 && line.indexOf(" 20 43 45")>-1) { if(date.equals("2005-09-26 23:37:49")) { int j=0; } int i = line.indexOf(" 20 43 45"); seat=Integer.parseInt((String)_hex.get(line.substring(i+9,i+12).trim())); room=(Room)_hmRooms.get(name1); addUser(room,name1,bPublic1,seat,handle1,date); bJoining=false; } else if(line.indexOf("RoomDelegate - Removing '")>-1) { handle=line.substring(line.indexOf('\'')+1,line.lastIndexOf('\'')); name=line.substring(line.indexOf("room: ")+6); room=(Room)_hmRooms.get(name); user=(Seat)_hmUsers.get(handle); if(user==null) { warn("User: '" + handle + "' not found."); warn(line); sql(false, name,true,-1,handle,"LEAVE","",date); //System.exit(-1); } else { seat=user.getSeat(); bPublic=room.isPublicRoom(); sql(true, name,bPublic,seat,handle,"LEAVE","",date); if(user.getRoom() == room) { _hmUsers.remove(handle); } } } else if(line.indexOf("Chat - Seat: ")>-1) { // ignore. } else if(((line.indexOf("Chat - ")>-1) || (line.indexOf("AbstractChatState - ")>-1)) && line.indexOf(" says: '")> -1) { name=null; // said something. handle=line.substring(line.indexOf(" - ")+4,line.indexOf(" says: \'")); text=line.substring(line.indexOf('\'')+1,line.lastIndexOf('\'')); if(handle.indexOf('.')>-1) { name=handle.substring(0,handle.indexOf('.')); handle=handle.substring(handle.indexOf('.')+1); } if(handle.equals("")) { } else { if(handle.equals("System")) { seat=-1; name=""; bPublic=true; } else { user=(Seat)_hmUsers.get(handle); if(user==null) { warn("User: '" + handle + "' not found."); warn(line); //System.exit(-1); seat=-1; bPublic=true; if(name==null) name="Lobby"; bValid=false; } else { seat=user.getSeat(); bPublic=user.getRoom().isPublicRoom(); if(name!=null && !name.equals(user.getRoom().getName())) { warn("New naming convention, room name mismatch: " + name + "!=" + user.getRoom().getName()); } else if(name==null){ name=user.getRoom().getName(); } } } if(text.startsWith("//me ")) { text="*" + handle + " " + text.substring(5); handle=""; seat=-1; } if(name !=null && !text.startsWith("//msg")) sql(bValid, name,bPublic,seat,handle,"SAY",text,date); } } else if(line.indexOf("QLinkServer - Starting server")>-1) { _hmUsers.clear(); _hmRooms.clear(); } else { //System.out.println(date + ":" + line); } } } b.close(); } /** * @param b * @param name * @param public1 * @param seat * @param handle * @param string * @param text * @param date */ private static void sql(boolean b, String name, boolean bPublic, int seat, String handle, String string, String text, String date) { String msg; if(bPrint && !text.startsWith("//")) { if(!b) { System.out.println("# The next line may have issues"); } msg = "INSERT INTO room_log (" + "room, public_ind, seat, handle, action, text, timestamp) " + "VALUES ('" + name + "','" + (bPublic?"Y":"N") + "'," + seat + ",'" + handle + "','" + string + "','" + text.replaceAll("'","''") + "','" + date + "');"; System.out.println(msg); } } /** * @param name1 * @param public1 * @param seat * @param handle1 * @param date */ private static void addUser(Room room, String name1, boolean bPublic1, int seat, String handle1, String date) { sql(true, name1,bPublic1,seat,handle1,"JOIN","",date); _hmUsers.put(handle1,new Seat(seat,handle1,room)); } /** * @param string */ private static void warn(String string) { System.err.println(string); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { read("qlink.log.2005-09-15"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-16"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-17"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-18"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-19"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-20"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-21"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-22"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-23"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-24"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-25"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-26"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-27"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-28"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-29"); read("qlink.log.2005-09-30"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-01"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-02"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-03"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-04"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-05"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-06"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-07"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-08"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-09"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-10"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-11"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-12"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-13"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-14"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-15"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-16"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-17"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-18"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-19"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-20"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-21"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-22"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-23"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-24"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-25"); read("qlink.log.2005-10-26"); read("qlink.log"); } }